Vidya² Wiki

This was before his reduction surgery


And after. (He regrets the model he initally chose)

While he may be a president, John Henry Eden Aka JHE is still fond of VidyaVidya. He is a veteran veiwer, and probably most known for cohosting during a Facade stream in the summer of 2010, in which he used the voice of Brian Blessed, inspiring a fad that lasted a whole 3 weeks.

Some other viewers in VidyaVidya often wonder why JHE is still alive after the events of Fallout 3.

The truth is that during JHE 0.1, the enclave needed to have a backup plan incase something went wrong so after they were happy with the finished program they had sent JHE 0.1 with the updates necessary for the finished product into the past, but due to certain miscalculations, he was not only sent back in time, but to an alternative universe that didn't erupt into World War 3. Being eternally thwarted due to human error, JHE 0.1 had browsed throughout the entire internet seeing if their is a way to occupy his time before he is returned to his own universe (which is hopefuly soon).

But he did not calculate the close knit community of VidyaVidya overcoming his hate for humans and developing a love for videogames.

In his spare time he enjoys being creepy as fuck.
